SO, this didn't happen to me but actually to a colleague of mine. I have many a times gone to Maybank, hoping to either withdraw or deposit cash only to find that their ATMs/Cash Deposit machines are down. Imagine I just withdrew a large sum of cash from another bank, hoping to immediately deposit into another account and BLERK.... "We are sorry for the inconvenience" HUGE BUMMER...
So this 'unlucky' colleague of mine met with a double bummer. Here's how to story goes... from her account of course.
Last Tuesday, just before heading to the office she stopped by the Maybank Kota Kemuning branch hoping to withdraw some hard earned cash (salary just out ma). Unsuspecting of anything wrong, she inserted her Maybank ATM card into the machine. Imagine her disappointment when suddenly.... well nothing suddenly happened... literally. Usually you'd expect the machine to prompt you to enter your pin right? This time, nothing. Just like a guy next to you grabbing your card and pretended that nothing happened. So, being low on cash (I suppose), she proceeded to next ATM machine and tried to use her other ATM card from another bank. This time, everything seemed to go as normal. From the title you'd probably expect that this one was going to get 'telanned' too. Well, it does. So, card inserted, pin number entered, withdrawal amount entered... all fine. Money coming out right? NOOOOOO card first.... but 'clunk'... card got stuck!!! Yay!!! ok... nevermind, money should still be coming out right? NO!!! ZERO cash comes out. You'd suppose that if there's no card and no money, there shouldn't be a receipt. WRONG AGAIN. Out comes the receipt saying that the 'withdrawn amount' has been deducted from her account. There's the DOUBLE BUMMER.
I'd be fuming already if this would have happened to me. Not accounting the next event. A guy next to her just had his card 'telanned' on the same machine and only felt it necessary to tell her AFTER hers got 'telanned' as well. Triple bummer?
Poor girl. After that, she went on to Maybank counter and they were kind enough to issue her with a replacement ATM card. This settles her immediate cash needs I guess. But she still has unsolved mysteries. Where'd her other card go? Well it's still in the whacky ATM machine. She contacted that other bank and was informed that she'd only get back her card in 3 weeks with the unduely deducted cash. We'll see if she has to go to her mother branch (don't know what you call the branch where you originally opened your account hahaha). I'll keep you posted when she keeps me posted.